Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A happening of sorts

Hello all,

Currently I am in a weight training class to fulfill a gen ed requirement. And today I hit a state of being, one in which I have never experienced. Now, I am not one to slack off in the gym. It is a class and I intend to push my self. Also, I want to tone down. But, that is neither here nor there.

I started my work out at about 8 AM with a 5 minute cardio run. Full on sprint. The I worked my abs, back, triceps, shoulders and biceps. After finishing my set of biceps it happened. I became very light headed. As if I were intoxicated. I felt a shortness of breath and a slight sickness. I excused my self from to gym to go toward the bathroom where I splashed some water on my face to help cool me down. When I realized that my heart was beating at an unnatural rate. Very very fast, for me. I left the bathroom to sit on a chair in the lobby of the gym. As I emerged from the bathroom I felt a tinge in my ear and then heard a loud ring, then nothing at all. I look up and the light from out side blinds me with white light. Everything is a blur, I could only tell differences between colors. It was hard for me to move, I had become so disoriented.

I find a chair to sit in when I notice that I do not feel my self. You know that feeling that you know you are there you have the feeling of being. That had left me. I felt as though I were floating. An almost euphoric feeling came across me, the sensation lasted for about 5 minutes after I had sat down. In all I think the episode lasted 10. Very bizarre. I think what happened is that my body released an incredible amount of endorphins into my system, and released them at a rate in which my senses could not handle. Essentially, I think i got high off of my self.

You thoughts?



  1. sounds like an almost heart attack

  2. Drugs are bad, Dr. Maddrey.

    Chances are it was just lightheadness -- your brain suddenly didn't have enough blood when you stood up quickly and your heart wasn't able to pump enough blood up to keep up, since it was already tired.

    I often am kind of light headed after a workout myself.
