Sunday, September 20, 2009


I FULLY APPROVE...Considering that I just watched Return of the Jedi with some friends like 3 hours ago.

I really love Star Wars. When I was in 10th grade my Chemistry teacher was a raging liberal and made the contention that Bush was evil and that Cheney was Darth Vader and Rove was Emperor Palpatine. But you know the liberals don't know anything. All they know is that conservatism is wrong and that republican are all a bunch of stupid cowboys that are too unaware of all the events around them. However the Liberals fail to see that the government under Obama (Yes I said Obama, hello NSA, fyi I study math I may work for you one day) is growing and before we know it he will build a Death Star that targets all of the carbon emitting entities, including republicans because we talk to much and ruin Health Care Reform. Democrats are safe because their shit don't stink and therefore do not emit carbon.


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